Wednesday, April 30, 2014

How To Be Happy

Everyone has a definition of what happiness is, and what makes one happy and how one can lead a happy life. I got into a discussion recently about what happiness really is, so my little curious mind set to work asking questions and yes, googling what happiness is and what makes one happy. Well i can successfully report that there are more than a hundred thousand definitions and tips on how to be happy. That should mean a whole lot of happy people right? Maybe...

However it would seem happiness is a very elusive concept that has us all searching for something meaningful, some happiness-inducing tonic that will make us happy and allow us to stay that way.
I have asked myself over the years what it is to be happy? After many sleepless nights spent debating this question I finally came up with an answer:
Happiness is a personal journey unique to each person, I suppose the secret would be to be truly honest with oneself and find out what really makes one deliriously happy. Honestly we can only do so much googling before we realise that's not where we will find our answers.
My happiness lies in the simple things like walking barefoot in the rain or listening to music or just being around the people I love.

I think it's time we all took that leap of faith and find our happiness

Peace, love and happiness

Monday, April 21, 2014

The Journey

As I meander through this maze that is aptly called life I sometimes wonder where all this is going to end. Plagued by all the things I haven't done, all the things I wish I could do, all the places I want to go and all the love I want to share. I am sure that I am not the only one that has entertained thoughts of how or where this journey will lead to, everyone of us has at some point or other entertained the thoughts of the envisioned goals. Will I be happy? Will all these sacrifices pay off? What is my fate? What am I doing with my life? All these questions lead to nothing but more questions which lead to frustration and the inevitable conclusion that life is unpredictable.

Anyway in my musings I have discovered that the whole philosophy about it not being about the destination but the journey actually makes a lot of sense. I find that in taking each day as an adventure and learning to embrace each day as it comes with all the good and the not so good helps one to focus less on the destination and whatever joys or incredible horrors it may bring and focus more on the present and living in it.

Enjoying each day is a fundamental thing we forget and more often than not push aside, with all the rushing and hustling and bustling we do to reach our desired goals, working ourselves to the bone to reach that place where we all want to be. We forget to stop, breathe and be thankful to feel the sun on our faces or admire the beauty of nature and the amazing and sometimes horrifying creatures that dwell within  and most importantly, we forget to live. Taking each day as it comes is the best way to have enjoyed the journey to the envisioned goal.

Peace, Love and Happiness'