Hahaha, I know my title sounds like a hundred thousand articles you have already read. Actually I got inspired to write this post because lately those are the posts I see on every social page or magazine article. Anyway everyone is giving their opinion of what they think makes a perfect mate, or rather let me say partner, mate sounds so procreationary :)
Anyway this blog post doesn't reflect anyone else's but my own opinion, feel free to dispute it though, share your thoughts or suggestions.
Well let's get on with it then, so relationships are work, very hard work well because it consists of two imperfectly flawed beings trying accept and cohabit with each other regardless of the flaws. Its two people saying "hey I hate the fact that you're messy and it irks me but I'm willing to deal with it and be with you". It is such a beautiful thing though, because through the irksomeness you find yourself in a place where you can be as comfortable with someone and bare your soul without worry. Ah the wonder and utterly baffling thing we call love. Anyway I digress....
How do you know you have found the one? Well too many times we think we have found the one and it turns out to be another frog in the great pond of life that you had to kiss and learn lessons from. I believe in soul mates, its a weird sentiment I know, but I do. I believe though that your soulmate is the person that you meet in life and brings you so much wonder and makes you see the a whole new side of the world. The mere thought is unfathomable. But the fact is that it happens. So back to the actual point of this post, how do you know you've found the one? Well the butterflies fade eventually but if you still have that weird thing we call chemistry that's awesome, because when the butterflies do fade the chemistry that you shared will light the spark between you and your mate to bring the butterflies a-fluttering back. Respect and communication, a partner who respects you for everything you are. Communication is essential, its right up there next to friendship because real friendship grows based on mutual interests (or dislikes) a true friendship will stand the test of time, I suppose that's why people always say that friends make the best lovers. Anyhoo my next essential point is trust, a relationship without trust is sadly doomed to fail, the insecurities and the hollowness that you feel if you're in a place where there is no trust is just a waste of time and energy, its like trying to grow something beautiful on a rocky, weed infested patch of land.
Chemistry, trust, respect, communication, friendship and of course love. When you are loved unconditionally, honestly and wholeheartedly with no holding back then you know you have found the one. We are a generation of fickle-minded people always looking for the next best thing, never satisfied and not willing to take the time to nurture something special and true. There is always love lurking around, there is always your "one" out there.
Until next time I shall leave you with
Peace, Love and Happiness