Tuesday, October 29, 2013


Believing is accepting something as true or real. I often find myself longing for my childhood where my child like innocent allowed me to believe in anything. Sadly, as we grow older we shed the innocence as we get engulfed by the worldly influences, we stop believing in magic and wonder and people and even ourselves. We forget who we are in the midst of the chaos and the continuous hustle, striving to reach unattainable standards slowly drowning our own potential in a pool of self-doubt. Consumed  by the set standard we start to feel we aren't good enough and generally just not enough to be the people we are meant to be.
Believing in ourselves is the first step to getting anything, knowing you are capable of copious amount of greatness, believing with all your heart and soul and never giving up on yourself.

Everyday we turn ourselves into shadows of our greater selves, mere slaves to the lie that we can't be better or do better. On days were it would seem like things are at their worst and that the pit you have dug yourself into is so deep and theres no way you can dig yourself out... believe. Believe in you, believe in whats in you believe without a doubt that things will get better and believe in your world. Its not easy to throw years of submission to the voice inside that was always telling you that you aren't good enough, but fight and believe.

Believe in others, believe in life, believe in love, believe in truth, believe in happiness, believe in your dreams and believe in yourself.

Peace, love and happiness

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Fear

For the past few years I've been on a journey to "find myself" or so I keep saying. In all honesty I haven't been on a journey to anywhere or doing anything other that diving deeper and deeper into isolation. Why would anyone want to subject themselves to such isolation you may ask? I have asked myself that question several times in the stillness of the night why I would do such a thing. The answer was always there, but typical of one in denial I chose to ignore it. The answer is quite simple, in fact it is too simple and terrifying. The simple truth is that I am afraid.
Afraid of opening myself up to the world afraid of leaving this cocoon I have built around myself, afraid to leave the comfort and security of these walls I have built around myself to keep the world outside and keep myself safe on the inside.

This crippling fear has lead me to push people away without regret, to live in a world full of paranoid delusions. In the last couple of months things have changed and I admit I am a happier person, but alas comes the fear again gripping my heart with it icy cold fingers threatening to send me back to the prison of isolation which i have slowly dug my way from.

But in the end I guess I have to make a choice: to succumb to the fear again or just cast away the weight of the fear bearing down on me and emerge as a better human being, ready to take on the world so to speak.
In the end fear is the just irrational manifestation of facing the unknown. No matter what you fear, theres no time like the present to move away from the darkness that binds us to the shadows and step into the light of the newness that will engulf you once you face your fears.

Always remember that every journey starts with a single step. So take that step, take that chance and face those fears and they will stop being fears and simply be steps in the ladder that leads to a better and happier you.

Peace, love and happiness

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Stuck In a Rut

We all end up in places where we get comfortable and don't really want to move on, be it relationships that suffocate us, jobs we hate it all seems to stem from us being to comfortable and afraid of change. Our  inane ability to hide our heads in the sand and just accept things as they are, refusing to change and see a bigger picture. We accept that change is good and yet continue to live our lives as they are with toxic relationships and doing things that don't really make us happy.
We might argue that we are all hustling to get to a certain point in our lives and at that point the bigger picture will emerge and we will be able to see past the struggle and be able to do the things that makes us happy then. But what of the present? We are all guilty of looking so far into the future that we forget to live in the present, not wanting to see things for what they are, blatantly refusing to acknowledge the lives that we lead at the moment and the way they will shape the future.

Change is quite inevitable and whether by your hand or someone else's everything changes eventually, I guess we just have to take the leap of faith and just be. Be in control of our destiny, be in control of our lives and how we let people influence our lives and who we allow to influence our lives.
We need to be brave enough to be able to breathe out and let things go, let go of all the things holding us back, let go of all the demons that try to control us and be at peace with ourselves and be able to step out and walk into the next chapter in our lives without fear, without burden as fearless individuals ready to see each chapter through.

Lets all choose to be happy in every aspect in our lives. Every journey always begins with a single step.

Peace, love and happiness