Monday, March 30, 2015

Simple Ways to Live Happier

Once you start living in the concrete jungle, hustling everyday to make a living and make a life for yourself you get to a point where you ask yourself if it is all worth it and suddenly you realise that life might be passing you by. As you grow older you realise that happiness in your everyday life becomes more important than most things.

When you reach that point you need to make a conscious decision to be happy, you don't need to do a complete 360 and overhaul your life however you can do small things everyday to change your whole outlook on life. So here you go, simple ways to make yourself happier everyday:

  • Get out of the house get some sunshine, breathe in the fresh air outside, that is the first step to happiness
  • Exercise is a great way to look great and feel awesome, exercises releases those feel good hormones that make us feel oh so good
  • Be optimistic try to stay in an upbeat and positive mood, don't feed your sadness. It's ok to be sad but don't feed it or wallow in it
  • Enjoy the little moments in life so stop, smell the roses, smile and enjoy the little things and live in the moment
  • Meditation helps calm you on the inside and outside giving you a clearer outlook on life to make you happier
  • Sleep earlier the key to starting a new happy day is to get a  good nights sleep, you feel more rested and then you are less likely to let in any negative energy that can impact on your happiness
  • Spend more time with loved ones, spending time with people who uplift your spirits can make you happier and keep you smiling
  • Be grateful, wake up with a smile on your face and gratitude for each day and each blessing that you have in your life
  • Keep smiling, even if you don't feel like it. Studies have shown  that faking a smile can actually force you to become cheerful and actually smile
  • Treat your body like it deserves to be treated, being good to your body, helps make you feel more positive about everything else because when you look good, you feel good
  • Plan a trip this gets you excited and happy, so even if you don't go on the trip, the process of planning the trip and researching all the activities that you want to do is enough to make you happy and giddy with excitement
  • Follow your heart and be happy, no matter what you do when you follow your heart you allow yourself to be happy and also enjoy life more
  •  You can't change your past, no matter what you can't change your past, but you can learn lessons from it and let it go.
Remember everyday is a blessing and an opportunity to be happy. So make yourself happy, everyday and until next time

Peace, Love and Happiness

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Ramblings of a twisted mind

I try not to regret things I've done because I feel that they have led me towards "the bigger picture" lately however I've been filled with some sort of longing or emptiness, some unfulfilled purpose or dream. Its a terrible feeling that really gets you emotionally disorientated, I don't know whether I'm coming or going, So much so that I'm starting to withdraw again.

Well Ive been trying to keep myself busy by focusing on something else entirely, looking for distractions, but then the problem is that when the sun sets and the stars come out at night its just me and my thoughts.
Anyhoo I babble on, I guess I just needed to type this out as a release of some sort. Oh well!

Peace, Love and Happiness

Monday, February 23, 2015

How do you know you've found the one

Hahaha, I know my title sounds like a hundred thousand articles you have already read. Actually I got inspired to write this post because lately those are the posts I see on every social page or magazine article. Anyway everyone is giving their opinion of what they think makes a perfect mate, or rather let me say partner, mate sounds so procreationary :)

Anyway this blog post doesn't reflect anyone else's but my own opinion, feel free to dispute it though, share your thoughts or suggestions.
Well let's get on with it then, so relationships are work, very hard work well because it consists of two imperfectly flawed beings trying accept and cohabit with each other regardless of the flaws. Its two people saying "hey I hate the fact that you're messy and it irks me but I'm willing to deal with it and be with you". It is such a beautiful thing though, because through the irksomeness you find yourself in a place where you can be as comfortable with someone and bare your soul without worry. Ah the wonder and utterly baffling thing we call love. Anyway I digress....

How do you know you have found the one? Well too many times we think we have found the one and it turns out to be another frog in the great pond of life that you had to kiss and learn lessons from. I believe in soul mates, its a weird sentiment I know, but I do. I believe though that your soulmate is the person that you meet in life and brings you so much wonder and makes you see the a whole new side of the world. The mere thought is unfathomable. But the fact is that it happens. So back to the actual point of this post, how do you know you've found the one? Well the butterflies fade eventually but if you still have that weird thing we call chemistry that's awesome, because when the butterflies do fade the chemistry that you shared will light the spark between you and your mate to bring the butterflies a-fluttering back. Respect and communication, a partner who respects you for everything you are. Communication is essential, its right up there next to friendship because real friendship grows based on mutual interests (or dislikes) a true friendship will stand the test of time, I suppose that's why people always say that friends make the best lovers. Anyhoo my next essential point is trust, a relationship without trust is sadly doomed to fail, the insecurities and the hollowness that you feel if you're in a place where there is no trust is just a waste of time and energy, its like trying to grow something beautiful on a rocky, weed infested patch of land.

Chemistry, trust, respect, communication, friendship and of course love. When you are loved unconditionally, honestly and wholeheartedly with no holding back then you know you have found the one. We are a generation of fickle-minded people always looking for the next best thing, never satisfied and not willing to take the time to nurture something special and true. There is always love lurking around, there is always your "one" out there.

Until next time I shall leave you with

Peace, Love and Happiness

Monday, February 2, 2015

First post for 2015

Wow, first post of the year.... I know I know its February already but I guess it's better late than never.

So any new resolutions? Well this year I dont really have all that many resolutions, unlike the long unrealistic list I had last year (which didn't work out quite so well). Anyway my resolution this year is to be a better person, follow my instincts and be more assertive in life. That's the only way one can make their dreams come true I think.
Well heres to the new year, new me type of thing.

Oh, also its the month of lurvee Oooh lala. The hinting and the expectations begin, the biggest bunch of roses, biggest box of chocolates and the biggest bear, the shiny thing in the store. But why must we wait for valentines day for the extravagance of romantic getaways, dinners, picnics and gifts? What happens the rest of the year? Don't get me wrong; I'm not a hater of valentines day I really just prefer to show my significant other love all the time, spontaneously with little gestures throughout the year. In the end valentines day is valentines day after all so one is allowed to also get swept away in the spirit of the day.

Its is important though to remember that it's not just about the gifts, its not just about receiving, its about giving, sharing and remembering the love that you and your significant other share for each other, rekindling those fires and just making your love stronger.

Love each other all day, everyday...

Peace, love and happiness

Thursday, November 6, 2014

The commute......

So today is another day on the bus home, wish this week would hurry up and end. Feeling so exhausted for some odd reason. The commute home is always interesting, I get to watch people's interactions or lack thereof with each other.
People who know each other are talking in animated voices and laughing out loud, while strangers sit awkwardly next to each other without saying a word and looking anywhere but at the person opposite them-i guess nobody wants to be creepy.

People outside are going about their daily lives, the joggers, the hawkers, the people walking to the bus or the taxi or even walking home. I wonder what they are all thinking about? Money? Family? Chores? Supper? Everyone is absorbed in their own thoughts, dealing with the things in their life, carrying some kind of responsibility.

When did it become a bad thing to have a conversation with the stranger sitting next to you? I guess one gets so absorbed in their own world that it because impossible to see anything else. I said hi to the person who sat next to me and got a muffled half reply and then they looked away. Well I guess it shouldn't matter but it got me thinking about how preoccupied we have become, we are so preoccupied that we don't even say hello or stop to enjoy these little moments that flutter into our lives.

Well whatever the case, I'm on a mission to say hi and smile to everyone who crosses my path on a day to day basis. They might say hi back or they might not, but this is what I'm doing and I'm sure it's going to be fun.

Peace, love and happiness

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


How time flies, seems like just yesterday when I was making new years resolutions ( which I haven't really been able to stick to,  just by the way) and now I'm on the threshold of a new year and a new chapter in my life.

It's my birthday month (whoop! whoop!). All year I've been wrestling with this getting a year older thing, it has been quite depressing, mostly because I thought I would have it all by this age. I thought I would have the life every young person dreams of having with the fancy car, the awesome house with the cool gadgets, surrounded by the movers and shakers of my time.
Well unfortunately, I still don't have that car or the house nor am I surrounded by movers and shakers, I'm simply just reminded that I am a year older without any of these things ("thats so great!" she added sarcastically).

But all is not lost there is a light at the end of my tunnel,  I have only just found my calling in life, I've gotten a whole lot closer to my parents, I have a son who thinks I'm the coolest thing to walk the earth (so awesome by the way) and close friends who get me through the tough times and the good times and a young man who is just too awesome (giggling and blushing like a schoolgirl). So I've come to realise that even though I'm not where I naively wanted to be all those years ago, all that has happened to me has led me to this exact point in my life. And I'm actually loving every moment of it.

So hello birthday month, I'm ready to embrace another year with open arms.

Peace, love and happiness

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Thing I have to do

So it's been ages since my last post, been trying to get my hustle going and find where I belong. I must say it has been tough going with frustrations galore, tears and laughter and heartwarming moments as i try to find my way through the maze that is my life (sigh).I find it really difficult just trying to hold on to that I used to be and sink my hands into the person that I am now and hope to soon be. I feel so helpless at times well i guess it's more self pity than anything else, feels like the darkness in my life just hangs over me like my sun will never shine, but enough about that.

I've decided to start a novel (yay!!!) anyway it's pretty exciting I must say, I cant wait to start I have so many ideas floating around in my head but penning it all down in a constructive way is a whole different ball game. Who would have thought that writing would be so complicated. maybe I am just too ambitious, but anyway if i can put down 5000 words by the end of November then I will consider myself something of a writer.

Anyway thats my to-do thing these next two months.

Peace, love and happiness