Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy New Year

Happy New Year to everybody. I'm sure everyone has made their resolutions and gone through that "new year, new me" phase. Anyway the previous year had been a tough one but I guess all that I can hope for is a breakthrough this new year. One can never turn away blessings and prosperity and success and all the good stuff.
One of my resolutions is to stress less and be a better, happier human being (it counts as one), anyway I have always been a person who worries a lot and stresses about things I really have no control over. It is so hard for me to let go and allow God to take control and steer my path. This year that is one of the things I would like to improve on, just stress less and actually just enjoy the present as it is, bringing happiness to all that I come across. Wishful thinking for the most part but I'm sure it can be done.
So with great uncertainty I face this year trying not to worry and trying not to stress, holding thumbs, crossing finger and toes, praying earnestly and keeping the faith that it will be an epic year full of happy memories, lessons learnt and all good things and the strength to conquer all the bad that may come along with all the good things but above all else I wish for a year of happiness.

Peace, love and happiness for 2014

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